Trisha Bowman
Sales Representative
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What time can I move in on Closing Day?

Updated Sunday, September 30, 2012  ::  Views (6482)

The time you are able to move your things into the new house depends on what time the deal “closes”.  A closing is completed when money has changed hands and the property is registered in your name. After these two things have happened your lawyer can release the keys to you.

  However, a closing can happen any time during the day, up to 5pm. Often, there is a “completion” time listed in your Agreement of Purchase and Sale, which states that deal does not have to close until the end of the day.

   Sometimes, mortgage funds are not received until later in the day. When this happens it pushes the closing time back until later in the day as well. These delays can be unpredictable, as each bank’s system for sending out the funds is different. It is not unusual for mortgage funds to be received mid-afternoon. Keys are commonly released in the 3:30-5:30 pm time frame.

   A closing may (and often does) happen before the end of the day, but you need to be prepared in case it does not. The best advice for moving into your new home is to plan your truck/van for later in the evening or the following day.    That way, if there are delays, you are not stuck waiting with a truck full of your things which can be a waste of both your time and money.

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