Trisha Bowman
Sales Representative
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Week 5 - Renovation Project

Updated Friday, April 29, 2011  ::  Views (9375)

Week 5 has mostly been spent renovating the exterior. We installed an interlock driveway and front step, painted the garage door, window and front door, replaced all the exterior lights, raked the front and back yard and cleaned up ALL the garbage from around the property.  

We also completed some interior work – finished the kitchen island, installed the remaining light fixtures, installed laminate in the family room and painted the floor in the storage room.   The interior is nearly done. We have flooring in the kitchen and upstairs left to be installed, the sink in the island (which is 90% completed), storage in the garage and some plants in our gardens...which we are having designed by “Franky-Flowers”, Frank Ferragine. 
We are a week and a half away from listing…if all goes as planned!!  More pictures will be posted through-out the weekend.
Enjoy your week!!  :)

Comments ( 2 )

Mikel posted the following response Wednesday, February 1, 2012
God, I feel like I shulod be takin notes! Great work
Hessy posted the following response Tuesday, January 31, 2012
If you want to get read, this is how you should write.

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