Trisha Bowman
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Water Damamge in your Home - Is It Covered??

Updated Wednesday, August 13, 2014  ::  Views (15162)

Article C/O Larry Hoover and Huronia Insurance Group

Water damage is the primary cause of damage to homes in Canada - and growing.

A "flood" can be caused by:

Spring run-off, melting snow, an overflowing river, lake, stream or swimming pool.  If this "groundwater" enters your home via leaks or seepage, it's considered flooding.  Whether aided by wind, rain or an act of god, damage to your home caused by "flood" is commonly not covered.

Most home owners' policies will cover other types of water damage provided the cause is "sudden and accidental" and is not caused by freezing.  This could include the sudden failure of a heating or air conditioning system, an overflowing washing machine, a blocked toilet, accidental sprinkler going off or a burst water pipe.

The key words are 'sudden' and 'accidental'.  Water entering your home through leaks, cracks and seepage are considered to be the responsibility of the owner and should be prevented through routine home maintenance.

Sewer back-ups occur when massive volumes of water overload a drainage system.  Once the waste water rises above your basement drains, a back-flow into your home results.  Sewer back-ups can introduce black mould, harmful bacteria and sewage waste into your home, creating health risks and extensive damage.

If you have any further insurance related questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact Larry Hoover at



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