Trisha Bowman
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Vacation Security Tips for Your Home

Updated Tuesday, February 26, 2013  ::  Views (6930)


Planning to go away for March
break with the family?

Here are ten important tips for protecting your
home against break-ins while you’re away.

  1. Put a "hold" on newspaper, magazine and mail subscriptions.
  2. Avoid telling people that you’re going to be away.
  3. Don’t change the outgoing message on your voice mail to say that you’re on vacation.
  4. Close any blinds or curtains that give outsiders a view into your home.
  5. Install timers and program your lights to come on at different times during the evenings.
  6. Ask a neighbour or friend to stop by the house to check for flyers, door stuffers and other notices that might accumulate on your front steps.
  7. Place a piece of wood or broom handle in the sliding track of doors and windows.
  8. Install motion sensor lights in the main access areas to your home.
  9. Ask someone to snowblow your driveway or cut your lawn and attend to other maintenance tasks if you plan to be away for an extended period.
  10. Let a trusted neighbour or friend know where you will be staying, or give them your mobile telephone number. Also give this number to your alarm company, if you have one, to locate you in an emergency.

Better to enjoy your vacation with the peace of mind knowing things are taken care of!


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