Trisha Bowman
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Renovation Update - Week 3 & 4

Updated Wednesday, March 28, 2012  ::  Views (10080)

Week 3 & 4 have been busy ones!  We completed the kitchen - doors, drawers and cabinet handles were installed and the counter tops arrived. I am extremely happy with the way it turned out!

Both bathrooms are done now. Finishing touches such as pictures, towels and shower curtain will be installed closer to the end of the project. 
More light fixtures were installed and all door handles (interior and exterior) were replaced. This made a big difference.
The storage room was painted and loads of shelving put in. The house doesn’t offer a lot of storage space, so we are doing our best to enhance the little bit that’s offered. Next we will install more storage in the garage. We started working outside, raking and cleaning up the yard.
Next step:
This weekend we will be installing the laminate floors in the kitchen and family room, hanging the remaining lights and tackling the garage.
Next week the carpet will be laid and that will finalize the interior projects. 
Outside we have driveway and walkway, which we have unilock ready to be installed. New exterior light fixtures and paint for garage door and windows. A few gardens and we’re done!  

Comments ( 2 )

BertieorBirdie posted the following response Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thanks for sharnig. What a pleasure to read!
Disney posted the following response Thursday, September 15, 2011
This does look promising. I'll keep cmoing back for more.

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