Trisha Bowman
Sales Representative
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Our Latest Renovation Project

Updated Wednesday, April 6, 2011  ::  Views (8549)


We recently purchased an investment property which we plan to completely renovate top to bottom, inside and out, while on a very strict budget. I will be documenting this process from start to finish so you can get an idea of what areas to focus on if you choose to flip a house. 
We took possession of the house on March 15th. So far we have purchased laminate from Costco, a new Kitchen from Ikea, a bathroom vanity from Ikea, some lighting from Home Depot, Rona and Home Sense and a toilet (which was actually missing when we took possession) from Costco….the joys of purchasing a Power of Sale. 
The first job on our list is demo. We will be removing the kitchen, bathroom – vanity’s,  all flooring through-out and the ceramic around the tub in the main bathroom.  
I have included the “Before” pictures. As we move along I will post more pictures and a description of the work we’ve done. 
If you have any questions about this home or any other real estate matter. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Take care,
Trish Bowman
Century 21 B.J. Roth
Front Entrance
Master Bedroom
Main Bathroom
Main Bathroom
3rd Bedroom
Family room
Lower Leverl Bathroom
Laundry Room

Comments ( 1 )

Tisha posted the following response Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I'm really into it, tanhks for this great stuff!

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