Trisha Bowman
Sales Representative
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10 Home Value Boosters

Updated Monday, April 23, 2012  ::  Views (21620)

I have attached a link with the top 10 ways to increase your homes value.  If you're thinking of listing your home, or simply just want to know what renovations will provide you the best pay back, this is a great article brought to you by the National Bank.  It is a very interesting read and I highly recommend it to those currently listed or thinking of selling in the future.

Top 10 Value Boosters - read the article for great pictures and more details on each point

1)  A fresh coat of paint on dated cabinetry and new hardware can be a quick fix.

2) Paint and refresh your façade for major curb appeal.

3) Unused space simply used for storage could become an additional living area thanks to a basement remodel.

4) Upgrading a windowless bathroom with new lighting and a large mirror keeps the room bright and inviting.

5) Extend your home's footprint without costly interior renovations.

6) Revive your house with room-appropriate flooring choices.

7) Quickly and easily refresh your home with paint.

8) Replace older windows that leak air and cause drafty interiors with those that prevent energy loss.

9) Add a fireplace to any room in a home for a luxe touch that doubles as an alternate heating source.

10) Replace roof shingles before they deteriorate and cause leakage.


Thanks for your interest in my Blog!    Trish Bowman


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